Thursday, October 31, 2013

Westwood on the Cutting Edge

Westwood On The Cutting Edge

Blueprints are used as models for contrustion for placement and configuration.  Although blueprints are great examples of plans for construction, they are 2D.  This is a disadvantage because other aspects of the building are hard to add on to the blueprint.  Blueprints have the right dimensions, but still do not provide a whole building effect.
By using new 3D printing technology, architects and engineers now have the ability to enhance the blueprint experience.  3D printers can be used to print a blue print in 3D, to scale.  This gives architects and engineers the advantage to modify designs on a real life scale.  It also gives a better representation of the overall look and layout of the building.  A 3D printed blueprint of a building can help designers to improve blueprints to make structures stronger.  The 3D printer can change the architecture and engineering aspects of building for the better.

Other Possible Projects:
-Solving a rubik's cube with your mind
-3D print a blue print for a building
-Control a micro-processed robot with your mind
-Make a remote controlled car using RaspberryPi
-3D Scan a body part to make prosthetic limbs

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