Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Invention: The Refrigerator

The Refrigerator
File:Monitor refer.jpg
Monitor top style refrigerator introduced in 1927
In 1876, Carl Paul Gottfried von Linde, invented the refrigerator.  This invention helped to remove heat from an enclosed space to lower the temperature.  It uses evaporation to absorb heat of the enclosed area.  This created freezing temperatures inside the refrigerator.  Once the temperature was low enough, food was able to be preserved.
The refrigerator was very important to history.  Before this invention people would use ice and snow to try and preserve food.  Bacteria in food multiplied much slowly or even not at all when it was in a refrigerator.  This invention was positive because food had much less bacteria when it was put in a refrigerator which decreased the amount of food related illness.  This invention also allowed foods to stay fresh for a longer period of time.  The refrigerator limited food borne illness, and saved people money because food would last longer.

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