Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Innovation: "Tooth Tattoo"

The Tooth Tattoo 
tooth tattoo
A "Tooth Tattoo" tested on a cows tooth
A graduate student at Princeton University, Manu Mannoor, in 2012, created a decal that goes on a tooth that detects bacteria and passes it to a nearby reciever.  Before the invention of this, "Tooth Tattoo," dentists and orthodontists used x-rays to detect damage to teeth.  If x-rays did not detect any flaw, dentists would go off of their sight and intuition alone.  This innovation was created using silk strands from cocoons and gold wires thinner than a spider's web.  Now only can the tooth decal detect bacteria in teeth, it can also detect bacteria in the body.
This innovation is going to historically impact society in a positive way.  Not only can dentists and doctors detect harmful bacteria in the body without x-rays or examinations, they can detect it fast.  These fast results are recorded for very small amounts of bacteria that are traced. Scientists at Princeton University were able to detect bacteria that caused tooth decay, and even bacteria that caused stomache ulcers.  This new technology can help dentist and doctors treat illness quicker, giving patients a higher chance of recovery. This small decal on the enamel of teeth can change the medical field for the better.

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