Friday, December 20, 2013

Build a Compound Machine

Compound Machine

Our last project was to build four out of the six simple machines. For this project, we had to build a compound machine with the pulley, lever, and crank.  Instead of working to build to a specific mechanical advantage, the goal was to modify the machines to gain the highest mechanical advantage possible.  At first my group only used the lever, and the crank, but after working on the machine, we were able to incorporate the pulley system.
Our final mechanical advantage was 285.18N.  We had the highest mechanical advantage in the class! Compared to other groups, we produced our ideas quicker and efficiently.  In fact, other groups looked at out design for ideas of their own, such as the arm of the wheel and axle.  We found that the bigger the arm, the more mechanical advantage. One problem we faced was how to incoporate the pulley into our compound machine.  We finally decided to restring the pulley and connect it to the crank to have a higher mechanical advantage.  Our methods were very successful.
The most difficult concept to grasp during this project was how to incorporate all three machines into one working compound machine.  We had to think of many solutions before we found the right one.  When we tested our machine, it was not measurable until we put enough weight as the output force.  Our group was creative and developed a way to hang a 5lb weight from the machine, and even that was not enough weight.  After over 30N as the output force, we gained an input force of 0.11.  We can apply what we learned from this project to future projects.  When working on projects, we always have to be creative and think of many solutions to problems before working.

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