Thursday, May 15, 2014

Murlin Trebuchet Case Studies

Murlin Trebuchet Case Studies

Case Study #1
-Information is organized

-Not a lot of pictures
-Missing videos

Case Study #2
-A lot of detail
-Dimensions and cost
-Tests of trebuchet

-Some pictures did not load

Tuesday, May 6, 2014



Direct Drive
Gear Drive
 The sumobot project consisted of building a sumobot that would be able to make a successful loop around a course.  We were given wood, motors, and access to different types of wheels.  Our group decided to make our sumobot vertical.  At first we used the concept of gear drive, but when we test the car, it did not move.  We concluded that there was too much friction from the gears, therefore we decided to switch to direct drive.  We also believed that the wheel in front of our car hindered our ability to steer, so we removed it and put a ping pong ball in its place.  The ping pong ball had too much friction and the car was not able to move at all.  We also switched from front wheel drive to rear wheel drive because the sumobot moved faster.
Only two groups were able to receive a time for their lap around the course.  Group one and group two completed the lap, however groups three, four (my group), and five did not.  Group one received a time of 2 minutes and 24 seconds, and group two received a time of 2 minutes and 50 seconds.
Based on observation, our group would make many improvements to our sumobot.  First, we would have made the wheel base longer so we could have a  better ability to steer the car.  Next, we would use smaller wheels for more control.  Also, we would try to fix our gear drive to have less friction and be more efficient. Lastly, we would use more powerful motors/batteries.

Our Sumobot