Thursday, January 16, 2014

Art Structure

Art Structure
Magnet Fastener
Bridge made out of magnets
The project assignment was to build an art structure using a specific fastener, and using only that fastener.  The possible fasteners were rubber bands, paper clips, thread, magnets, bamboo skewers, wood pegs, wire, and white paper.  It was difficult to construct a structure without using a type of glue fastener.  My groups design idea was to build a magnetic bridge that would float from the force of repelling magnets.  Unfortunately, our magnets were not strong enough to hold up the weight of our wood.  Despite this conflict, the design was successful in looking like a bridge.  Other groups built structures like field goal posts, a robot, a manaquine, a fountain, and a house.  All of the structures were interesting because they used their fasteners in many different ways.